Announcement: New patient consultations are moving to Candor Medical!

/ Doctors

Prescribing support

Registered medical practitioners can provide schedule 8 medications to their patients via the Special Access Scheme (SAS), Authorised Prescriber (AP) Scheme, or clinical trials. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) have provided an extensive list of information for the public and health professionals. For more information about alternative medicine and conditions, please visit the TGA website.

If you’re interested in prescribing but not sure how to get started, you can begin the process with CanView. CanView, hosted by fully licensed wholesaler BHC, provides health professionals with access to tools, knowledge, free education courses and a range of alternative medicine products.

If you’re interested in learning more about Canview before registering, please visit our health professional enquiries page. We accept prescribing enquiries from the following professions:

  • Doctor
  • Specialist
  • Nurse
  • Allied health professional
  • Work within the health industry